You will not have enough of a stay to discover all the treasures of the Gulf of Morbihan, paradise of boaters, hikers, fishermen, there are activities for all.
it is possible to practice cycling safely thanks to cycle routes on a network of 7 km on Locmariaquer, Crac’h and Saint-Philibert.
Many hiking trails to discover between land and sea:
Hike N ° 1 (8 km, duration 3 hours) The coastal paths.
Hike N ° 2 (10 km) Discover megaliths
Hike N ° 3 Locmariaquer and its natural sites
Hike N ° 4 (13.7 km)
oysters, clams, crabs, shrimps … to each his specialty and what a pleasure to eat his peach !!!
In the marsh of Brennegi (property of the Conservatoire du Littoral) depending on the tide birds come to find refuge. You will be able to observe migratory birds (Spoonbill, Sandpiper … Summer birds: Ringed Plover, White Stilt … Sedentary birds: Redshank, Shelduck, etc. Do not forget your binoculars !!!